China Metal Powder Installs New Furnace at Ford Road

China Metal Powder Inc. (MPI) recently installed a 36” high-capacity belt furnace with a varicool system at its Ford Road facility in St. Foshan, Guangdong. The Abbott furnace is required to increase capacity for contracts received for newly tooled business.

“The 36” furnace will enable China Metal Powder to increase capacity to fulfill new contracts developed during the past year,” said Jesse Azzato, Operations Manager.

The installation of the Abbott furnace adds to Ford Road’s production capacity and increases the flexibility to the production lines. 

In addition to the 36” high-capacity belt furnace, China Metal Powder has also installed a 36” Abbott belt temper furnace at the Ford Road facility.  The addition of the temper furnace will free up capacity on existing furnaces to further increase output at the plant.