Tech Articles

Light Weighting of Structural Automotive Components Using High Strength Powder Metallurgy Aluminum Alloys

The intense effort by automotive companies to improve gas mileage and meet mandated CAFÉ Standards is aided by enabling vehicular mass reduction technologies. One area of such research is the application of appropriate powder metallurgy (PM) materials such as the alloys of aluminum, titanium, and magnesium. Each material option presents certain challenges that need to […]

China Metal Powder Featured in Lightweighting World

Aluminum powder metal was recently featured in the January/February issue of Lightweighting World magazine. The aluminum powder metal market continues to grow as automotive engineers take greater advantage of its capabilities in achieving weight reduction. China Metal Powder is recognized as the technology leader in aluminum powder metal and is ready to work with you to provide […]

High Nickel Alloys Offering a Combination of High Strength and High Impact Properties

ABSTRACT High nickel steels offer the opportunity to produce powder metallurgy components with excellent high strength and ductility combinations. These alloys are a sinter-hardenable class of materials that do not require conventional heat treatment processes to develop these unique properties. The alloys must be sintered at high temperatures in order to obtain the value of […]

The Market Development of PM Aluminum (Abstract)

Shuhai Huo, Bill Heath, and Chaman Lall   The application of powder metallurgy (PM) aluminum structural parts is at its early growing stage, despite of some automotive applications.  The market potential for PM aluminum, however, is large.  Growth is expected from the market expansion of the existing applications and new applications, including the replacements of […]

Wear and Fatigue of Sintered Aluminum Materials (Abstract)

Shuhai Huo and William Heath   This study examines the mechanical properties, the wear and the fatigue performance of some sintered reinforced powder metallurgy aluminum materials.  In a contact rolling and sliding test, the aluminum materials showed significant improvement in the wear resistance and the fatigue endurance.  There is limited wear damage to the contact […]

Wear Resistant PM Aluminum Materials for Automotive Applications (Abstract)

Shuhai Huo, Bill Heath, Dave Ryan, Steve Patrick and Jesse Azzato Conventional 2000 series aluminum PM materials have been widely used for pressed and sintered structural parts.  The materials have excellent processing characteristics and reasonable tensile strength.  However, wear resistance, fatigue strength and stiffness of the materials are relatively low.  As many potential applications in […]

Light Weight Sintered Aluminum Automotive Components (Abstract)

Shuhai Huo and William Heath High fuel cost is putting more pressure on automotive makers to further improve fuel efficiency.  The direct weight reduction is regarded as one of the most economical options for improving the fuel efficiency.  Direct replacement of some heavier steel engine components with lighter powder metallurgy aluminum components not only reduces […]